These girls were reciting their lessons from the Quran, just outside the Behram Pasha Camii. They proudly recited the part they learnt by heart. Their books looked very beautiful and colorful.
Kol Ükök
Kol Ükök is a mountain lake only accessable by foot or on horseback from Kochkor. The shepards who live here in the summer months lead a simple life, in which everything is about their livestock.
A must-see for every traveler to Egypt: the sphinx and Giza pyramids. In the background you can see the pyramid of Cheops, also called Khufu.
Jomsom Trek
Muktinath: This little kid was hanging on his mother's back, just in front of the Muktinath Temple. Despite the afternoon sunshine it was already freezing on this altitude of 3800 metres.
Travel Journals
Useful Info
- Country Info:
- Cambodia
- China
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Egypt
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- India
- Israel
- Italy
- Jordan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Laos
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Myanmar-Burma
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- Peru
- Russia
- Philippines
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Turkey
- China
Specials: - Antoni Gaudi
- Delta Airlines
- Trans Mongolia Express
- Treelo Trakteert gfe
- Wereldreis Maken
21-2-2023 Since 6 months this website is no longer updated. Still interested in new stories and photos? Visit Yvonnevanderlaan.nl (blog) and Yvonnevanderlaan.com (photosite)
23-12-2022 Finally found some time to upload the photos from Gran Canaria. The Dutch travel journal will soon be translated.
21-2-2023 Sinds een half jaar wordt deze website niet verder aangevuld. Toch nieuwe verhalen en foto's zien? Dat kan op Yvonnevanderlaan.nl (blog) en Yvonnevanderlaan.com (fotosite)
23-12-2022 Eindelijk tijd gevonden om de Gran Canaria foto's online te zetten. Ook is er een reisverhaal over onze tijd op Gran Canaria.
Peter and Yvonne have been traveling together since 2001. Every year there were several holidays to foreign countries in Europe, Asia and South America. In November 2007 they left for a long trip of a year and a half to Asia and the Middle East. Since 2012 their daughter Vera joins them on their travels and Rosalie followed in 2014. If you want to learn more about
us, or about this website, please use the links below:

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